
“Termoelectrica” calls on inhabitants of Chisinau to switch over to autonomous centralized heating


The administration of the heat supplier SA “Termoelectrica” calls upon the residents of Chisinau to install autonomous heating systems in their apartments and change the position of the engineering networks that connect the radiators to these from the vertical to the horizontal. The company launched an information campaign as the consent of all the dwellers of a block is needed to switch over to autonomous centralized heating, IPN reports.

SA “Termoelectrica” director general Veaceslav Eni told a news conference on May 31 that when horizontal engineering networks are laid, the consumers will decide by themselves when to connect or disconnect the heating system, how much heat to consume and what temperature they need in the apartment. The heat meters will be provided by “Termoelectrica” free. The apartments will not be connected between them.

“The consumers will no longer depend on the neighbors. They will have direct contracts with “Termoelectrica” and the housing stock manager. “Termoelectrica” managed to modernize all its equipment and networks so as to provide high-quality services for consumers up to the entrance to the apartment building. But when there are different faults inside or the networks are in a poor state, an individual thermal point can be set up by repositioning the pipes on the horizontal and by installing heat meters in each apartment,” stated Veaceslav Eni.

The dwellers will have to replace the pipes at their own expense. The costs can amount to €1,000. The installation of pipes on the horizontal for each apartment will enable to save 30% of the consumed heat. The information campaign will be conducted on the weekends. Specialists of “Termoelectrica” will go from home to home to inform the citizens about the new plans.