
Tender contest for new works in “Valea Morilor” Park to take place


A tender contest for laying out the banks of the lake in Chisinau's “Valea Morilor” Park will be announced soon. The head of the Capital Constructions Division Roman Sofroni said the water pumping works at the lake go on. After the mud is removed, there will be set up the hydrotechnical installations, Info-Prim Neo reports. The contest to select the company that will carry out these works will take place on July 23. According to the approved plan, the reconstruction works will be performed in three stages. The designing works cost 3. 253 million lei, while the total works - 81 million lei. The strategy for laying out the recreational area “Valea Morilor” was approved by the Chisinau Council on March 23. It was worked out by the Institute “Chisinauproiect”.