TB prevention campaign launched
The week dedicated to promotion of medico-hygienic knowledge in TB prevention will be held from 17 to 23 March in Moldova, as part of the World Tuberculosis Day, falling on 24 March each year.
According to the Ministry of Health, in this period the specialists in the field will provide activities meant to inform people about the situation regarding tuberculosis, TB prevention, symptoms and treatment for this serious disease, and activities that are being undertaken in the country for its control.
Statistics show that in 2006 in Moldova there were registered 3569 cases of tuberculosis affecting respiratory organs, including 226 cases among children under 17. In Chisinau alone, tuberculosis killed 141 last year. About 300 new cases of respiratory tuberculosis are reported monthly.
At present, one third of worldwide population is infected with the TB bacillus. Eight million of new TB cases are being attested in the world annually, while three million persons die. Every ten seconds, a TB-infected person dies.