
Taxi drivers fined a total of over 164,000 lei


Fines of over 164,000 lei were imposed by the State Tax Service on those who provide taxi transport services. The failure to issue tax receipts for the provided services and to declare the income are among the multiple irregularities identified during tax audits, IPN reports.

The checks also revealed the absence of registration corresponding to the transport of passengers.

A number of 146 tax inspections were carried out in November, including in the case of 81 orders placed through the electronic management platform "Yandex Go".

Nine taxi operators were penalized for the irregularities committed by the employed drivers, who were fined a total amount of 16,600 lei.

As many as 93 individuals who provided illegal taxi transport services were fined 147,600 lei.

The State Tax Service urges compliance with fiscal norms and transparency of economic activity.

Citizens are advised to ask for a tax receipt for traveling by a taxi. In case of illicit activity, they should notify on the State Tax Service’s toll-free hotline 0 8000 1525.