
Survey shows population is not pleased


52% of the population considers that the way things are evolving in the Republic of Moldova is wrong. At the same time, over 70% of the population is not satisfied of the Moldavian leadership activity in the main areas of social life. These are the results of the Public Opinion Barometer (BOP) presented on Saturday, April 20 in Chisinau. While the majority of the respondents consider that the way things evolve in the country is wrong, 33% consider that the direction is correct, in comparison with 29% according to the BOP results from December 2005. The leadership’s activity areas of which population is still not pleased are: work places – 83, 3%, quality of life and salaries – almost 82%, agriculture – 74% etc. Moreover, 45% of the respondents showed being unpleased of the present economical situation of the country. 37% consider the situation did not change in comparison with the last year and 17% state the situation is worse. Referring to the economical perspectives of the future year, the share of optimist persons constitutes 38% and nearly an equal percentage considers the situation will remain unchanged. The poll has been effectuated in the period March 25 – April 8 2006 and questioned 1506 persons from 99 localities, excepting the Transnistrian region. The poll has been performed by the CIVIS Centre and administrated by the Public Politics Institute, with the support of Soros – Moldova.