
Surprise expected at May 3 sitting of Parliament


Political analyst Anatol Taranu anticipates a surprise at the May 3 sitting of the legislative body after the Communists asked for a pause of 24 hours for agreeing a candidate for the post of Speaker. “I think the Communists and the Democrats reached an agreement,” said the analyst, quoted by IPN.

Speaking about the possibility of the Liberal-Democrats fielding interim Prime Minister Iurie Leanca for the post of Prime Minister, Anatol Taranu said that he wants to see how things develop in Parliament. “It seemed that the leader of the Lib-Dems in Parliament Valeriu Strelet was surprised by Vladimir Voronin’s request to take a break. I think the PLDM is in the situation to quickly solve an equation,” said the analyst.

According to Anatol Taranu, the possible agreement between the Communists and the Democrats fits the PCRM’s manner of conduct as this party profits from the disagreements between the components of the former ruling alliance. “The only thing I can explain to myself is the position of the commission for selecting the prosecutor general, lead by a Communist, who said that the prosecutor was elected illegally and the vote should be abrogated. It’s not excluded that the PCRM only keeps the PDM in check and will agree to maintain Corneliu Gurin as prosecutor if they are offered the post of Speaker. But this will show that they are cheaters who have no principles and values,” said the political analyst.

As to the role of the Liberal leader Mihai Ghimpu, Taranu considers that it diminished drastically. “He holds practically no situation under control. Nothing depends on him any more. He did it himself as he was unable to maintain unity inside the party,” he said.

Political analyst Ion Tabarata believes that the PCRM wants early elections and, by asking for a pause, they constrain the Democrats and the Liberal-Democrats to negotiate during 24 hours as it is clear that two senior state posts are now at stake – of Prime Minister and of Speaker.