Suburban woman faces paralysis after fall from height
A 49-year-old woman from Chisinau's suburban village of Ghidighici could remain confined to bed for the rest of her life after she fell 4 meters from the attic of her house on Tuesday. Her spine broken in the lumbar region and suffering a second degree traumatic shock, the woman was admitted to the Emergency Hospital for treatment.
A 4-year-old child who fell from 3 meter height and brought by the parents to the medical facility in the suburban town of Sangera was rushed by an ambulance to the Mother & Child Center. The boy was diagnosed with contusion of the internal organs and facial injuries.
Two pedestrians sustained severe traumas in hit-and-run accidents.
On Tuesday and on Wednesday early morning the Chisinau Emergency Service recorded 690 calls, including 55 cases of trauma, 71 cases of acute viroses, and 4 brain strokes.