
Students in Moldova are more often involved in school bullying than in other states


The students in the Republic of Moldova are more often involved in school bullying than in most of the countries of the region. 16% of the students had been harassed at school for at least two times during the last two months of 2018, as opposed to 11% in 2014. The national data on adolescent health and wellbeing in the Republic of Moldova were presented in a seminar staged by the WHO Country Office in Chisinau, IPN reports.

The World Health Organization and the Health Behavior in School-aged Children research network presented extended data for 2014-2018 about physical health, social relations and mental wellbeing of students aged between 11 and 15 from 45 countries, including the Republic of Moldova.

More adolescents in Moldova consider their state of health is good and excellent: 83% in 2018 as opposed to 77% in 2014. Fewer students consume alcohol at least once a week: 24% in 2018 as against 32% in 2014.

With the advance in age, the adolescents become less satisfied with life, while girls more often experience signs of disease. An increasing number of teenagers have nutrition disorders. At the same time, the teens rarer experience severe injuries and traumas.

Tatiana Zatyk, division head at the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection, said that Moldova has taken part in the study of adolescent health and wellbeing for six years. The accumulated data are taken into account when working out policies for creating a favorable living environment for the young people.