
Strelet is a person of system and is thus convenient, analyst


“The fact that not Maia Sandu is the candidate for premiership will cause reserve on the part of the European and Western donors, but everything depends on how the discussions with Valeriu Strelet go and, who knows, maybe Strelet will be a pleasant surprise and a serious discussion partner and we thus cannot now say that the negotiations with the foreign donors will fail,” analyst of the Center “Politicon” Ion Tabarta said in an interview for Radio Free Europe. He stated that Strelet is perceived as a person of the system formed after 2009 and is thus convenient, IPN reports.

“Maia Sandu is another type of person, another type of politician, who is not similar to other Moldovan politicians. Why was Maia Sandu dangerous? She was dangerous because she would have tried to change an institutional political system based on particular ‘underground’ relations created after 2013. It is a political system when a particular person or persons direct Moldova’s destiny from behind. Maia Sandu would have tried to change such a state of affairs,” stated Ion Tabarta.

The analyst noted that Valeriu Strelet fits the current Moldovan political landscape and, if we look at our foreign partners that want democratic and economic reforms in Moldova, the fact that Maia Sandu wasn’t fielded for premiership raises a number of questions, but this does not mean that they will not discuss with Valeriu Strelet. Everything depends on the seriousness of the Moldovan executive, which must undertake particular commitments.

President Nicolae Timofti in the evening of July 27 signed a decree by which Valeriu Strelet is nominated as a candidate for Prime Minister. Valeriu Strelet was fielded by the parliamentary group of the PLDM, which is to hold the post of Premier in accordance with the agreement to form the AEI 3.