
Strategy for reforming Carabineer Troops published in Official Gazette


The strategy for reforming the Carabineer Troops and the plan of action for implementing this for 2017-2020 were published in the June 9 number of the Official Gazette. Under the document, in accordance with the models of European states, a dual police system will be created by clearly delimiting the public order maintaining, ensuring and restoring duties, avoiding the doubling of powers between the police and the carbineers, IPN reports.

At the initial stage of the reform, the duties to maintain public order will be fulfilled both by the police and the Carabineer Troops. Afterward, when the necessary equipment level is reached, the carabineers will take over the duty of restoring public order in situations of turmoil and internal tensions all over the country.

Special importance in the implementation of the reform will be attached to the gradual replacement of conscript soldiers with soldiers serving on a contract basis (sub-officers). In 2018, the number of conscript soldiers will decrease by 28%, while in 2019 by 36%.

At logistical level, the Carabineer Troops will be outfitted with modern units of transport, equipment and weapons. The training, accommodation and working conditions will be improved.

The costs associated with the implementation of the plan of action will be covered with state budget funds and funds provided by the development partners.