
Ștefan Gligor: PAS possesses all instruments, but does not know how to use them


The Party of Action and Solidarity (PAS) holds complete power in the state, but does not know how to use it, said the president of the Party of Change Ștefan Gligor. According to him, some of the Cabinet members do not cope amid the large-scale economic crisis experienced by the country and should be replaced. According to the acting head of Pro Moldova Party Boris Foca, the government makes serious mistakes because it has incompetent persons in the team, who were named to posts only due to their political affiliation, IPN reports.

The president of the Party of Change accuses the government of incompetence and says that a part of the economic disaster experienced by the country is due to internal factors. The high rate of inflation in Moldova is not caused only by the rise in prices worldwide, but also by the inefficiency and incapacity of the state institutions to bring things on the market in order.

“PAS obtained a serious mandate from the population, but does not act it as it should. They dally in a number of sectors. We are in an unprecedented economic crisis. Inflation is two times higher than the average rate in the region. Inflation is based also on foreign factors as we import most of the products. But the rate of inflation in the region is 15%, while in our country it is 32%. The difference is due to monopolies, cartel agreements, companies that profit from their dominant position on the market. The state should regulate some of the prices. Now PAS possesses all the instruments, but it does not know how to use them. I would replace Cabinet members with persons who realize the situation. First of all, it goes to the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development where 2/3 of the country’s economy is concentrated,” Ștefan Gligor stated in the talk show “The Alternative” on TV8 channel.

The acting president of Pro Moldova considers the staff policy pursued by PAS is incorrect. Boris Foca noted the ruling party dismissed competent persons and substituted them with persons without experience who are obedient to the party.

“In the Ministry of Home Affairs, 80 persons tendered their resignation. Do you imagine how it is like when 80 persons leave? When we say that there are no competent persons, we refer to those who passed the so-called integrity filer imposed by PAS. There are competent persons in the country, but they do not form part of this party. I’m a concrete example as I was told by the minister that he does not care about what I know and can as I simply do not form part of their party. Many of my mates experienced a similar situation,” stated Boris Foca.

Political commentator says that the extraparliamentary forces, civil society and specialists from all the fields should work together and find solutions to the problems encountered by the country.

“A large part of the political parties say they are pro-European. Can’t they create a pro-European platform that would generate ideas, proposals and would show society and the ruling party that there are competent persons who are willing to change things? I do not understand why a platform cannot be created out of the 20-30 pro-European parties that would come up with alternative solutions,” said political commentator Igor Boțan.

According to the National Bureau of Statistics, average consumer prices in Moldova this June   were by 31.8% higher than last June. Food prices grew by 34.3%, nonfood prices by 23.4%, while the services provided for the population by 40.7%. The inflation rate in Moldova is the highest in the region.