
State, through its representatives, dispossesses citizens of businesses, property and money, activists


A vicious circle consisting of judges, prosecutors and bailiffs was created in the justice system and these persons make use of the legal provisions so that those who go to court in search of justice after trials that last for years remain without businesses, property, goods and money, said representatives of civil society and activists who presented several cases of alleged illegalities committed, according to them, by the state through its representatives from the justice system.

“We have persons here who will speak about such cases when they are cynically and illegally dispossessed of goods through the agency of judges, prosecutors and bailiffs as the made decisions and orders, including those of bailiffs, are beyond any legal limit,” Gheorghe Costandachi, president of the European Social-Political Center, stated in a news conference hosted by IPN.

He said that according to their calculations, over 220,000 persons have been dispossessed of goods, property and money during 30 years. “Dear Mister Litvinenco, minister of justice, you came to power and promised security guarantees and protection of the rights to the population, citizens. You promised fundamental reforms, but, regrettably, you are similar to those who preceded you in terms of results,” stated Gheorghe Costandachi.

Jurist Igor Borfotina said that those who are responsible for the implementation of the law deal with the dispossession of persons, intimidation, sequestration, threatening etc. “The scheme is very simple – bailiff, prosecutor and judge. This is a triangle, a well-planned scheme. Not everyone, but 99% formed small groups that deal with dispossession, threatening. There are even debt collection firms that work illegally in Moldova,” stated the jurist. According to him, one of the methods is the delaying of cases, complaints from persons, which is possible owing to the ties of kinship between the representatives of the justice system.

Pensioner Maria Golubenco related the case of her family, which has its origin in 2016. Being the co-owner of an apartment, together with her husband, they learned that her husband allegedly owned a sum of money to a person according to a handwritten receipt that has no legal value in court. Even so and despite the fact that her husband got ill and was admitted to a psychiatric hospital, the court ordered that the man should repay the debt or should offer a part of his house. All her husband’s efforts to obtain justice failed. She, as the guardian of her husband, now should repay the debt or will be evicted from the house.

Activist Vitalie Perjunca spoke about micro-finance companies, saying that most of the shareholders of these companies are police officers, judges, prosecutors, state officials and their relatives. It is not clear where these persons or their children take money from and invest it in such businesses. These persons control the business sector and have the legislation at hand and do not care about the people.

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