
State Tax Service launches hotline in connection with amendments to fiscal legislation


The State Tax Service on November 1 launched a hotline that during a month can be used free to find out information about the correct determination of the income tax related to salary incomes in connection with the amendments to the fiscal legislation that took effect on October 1 this year. The service is available from Monday through Friday, between 8am and 5pm, on (022) 823438, IPN reports.

Among the main changes are the introduction of a common income tax, the augmentation of personal exemptions and reduction of the mandatory social insurance contribution paid by employers.

Thus, as of October 1 a common income tax of 12% is applied to private individuals, individual entrepreneurs and family doctors who practice independently, instead of the tax rates of 7% and 18% applied earlier. The personal exemption was raised from 11,280 to 24,000 lei, while the social insurance contribution paid by employers from the private sector, universities and health facilities was decreased from 23% to 18%.

The new base will be applied to the incomes of legal entities for the entire year 2018, while to those of private individuals as of October 1 only.