
State Principal Fiscal Inspectorate plans to collect MDL 2 bln from VAT


State Principal Fiscal Inspectorate plans to raise, this year, MDL 2 bln, from collecting VAT, while last year this figure was of MDL 1.56 bln. According to the head of SPFI, Sergiu Puscuta, this fact is caused mainly by the successful administration, by SPFI of informational resources. According to him, utilization of informational programs is that factor which leads to the prevention and combating of fiscal evasions, making impossible the double-invoicing, an often-practiced phenomenon by the economic agents till 2004. The practice shows that the efficiency of VAT administration cannot be realized without the continual development of the informational systems, said Puscuta, mentioning that every improvement of administering of a tax will thwart some methods of fiscal evasion or, at least, will optimize the taxes from the part of taxpayers. Informational resources administration led to permanent majoring of VAT cashing – not less than 20% annually. Since the beginning of the current year, the growth of VAT cashing exceeded already by 25% the level of the similar period of the last year. Systems of informational administration of VAT have been implemented by SPFI during 3 years, an informational product each half a year. Today, IFPS introduced another new informational product that deals with the administration of VAT for imported goods and services. SPFI also has at its disposal informational resources that allow the efficient administration of other types of taxes, especially programs for administering the income tax, which is paid by all the taxpayers from the republic both by companies and individuals. In addition, a new informational product was administered, which allows the selection of taxpayers of increased risk of control. The aim of the product is to exclude the inefficient controls on behalf of SPFI to taxpayers who do not permit legal deviations and select those who have an increased degree of fiscal evasion. At the same time, SPFI plans to implement some ample informational products, as the Fiscal cadastre (applying taxes for real estate and for land tax) and E-statements (presenting statements on electronic support, in electronic form) At present, there are 20,000 VAT payers registered in the Republic of Moldova.