
State budget spends quarter of a billion lei for “The Moldovan Village” National program


In the first 6 months of the current year, the state budget assigned MDL 250 mln for implementing actions provided in the National Program “Moldovan Village” for the 2005 – 2015 years. Data provided by the Government indicate that today the level of execution of works, for which the money was assigned, is of 55%. From the total sum, MDL 21.8 mln were allocated from the Road fund for operating repairs of local roads of access to rural localities; MDL 4.8mln – for the repairs of local roads; MDL 43.1 mln – for construction, modernization and repairs of the water supply systems and canalization network systems; MDL 57.6 mln - for the construction of network systems of natural gas supply. On the other hand, MDL 2.4 mln were assigned for the development and assistance of hospitals, primary and emergency medical institutions; MDL 51.1 mln - for the development and assistance of schools and kindergartens; MDL 13 mln - for the development of houses of culture, libraries and museums and another MDL 15.5 mln – for soil protection works. According to the Government, 30 stations of vehicles and tractors were founded in order to support the process of agricultural development. Since their creation, 255,000 ha were consolidated and about 858 workplaces were created. 75 local offices for selection and reproduction in zootechnics were created; the Concept of the reorganization of the state sanitary-veterinary services and the implementation of the System of identification and registering animals started. According to the Minister of Economy and Commerce, Igor Dodon, from about 370 actions proposed in the Plan of actions for the implementation of the Program, about 23% are in now process, and 23 actions can already be considered as implemented.