
Șor Party to challenge raising of retirement age in Constitutional Court


The parliamentary group of Șor Party will dispute in the Constitutional Court the law that raises the standard retirement age. The party’s leader Ilan Șor informed about this through a video posted on Facebook, IPN reports.

“Șor Party from the very beginning said that the rise in the retirement age is a harsh blow to our older people who have to retire later as from 2022 owing to these ruing criminals,” stated the politician.

He noted that these changes affect women the most as life expectancy decreases annually and, for objective reasons, such as studies and childcare leave, not many women reach the necessary contributory period.

At the start of last month, the ruling Action and Solidarity group in Parliament adopted in final reading a set of amendments to the pension system amid angry protesting by the opposition.

Beginning on January 1, 2022, the standard retirement age for men will be 63 years. For women, the retirement age will rise gradually, in six month increments, beginning with 59½ years on January 1, 2022 to 63 years in 2028. Men with contributory periods by five years longer than the standard, and women with contributory periods by three years longer than the standard will be entitled to early pensions.