
Solidarity protest mounted at Embassy of Belarus in Moldova


The National Platform of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Platform on August 13 staged a protest in front of the Embassy of Belarus in Moldova in solidarity with the people of Belarus, who protest against the presidential election outcome and the political situation in this country, IPN reports.

By a statement that was left at the Embassy’s gates, the protesters condemned the violent actions of the police in Belarus against citizens who took to the streets to protest against the election results. They expressed their regret at the fact that the protesters in Belarus are arrested abusively and held in inhuman conditions. During the current conditions of pandemic, they are exposed to the risk of becoming infected with COVID-19.

Ion Guzun, in the name of civil society organizations, voiced hope that the law enforcement agencies will independently and equitably investigate the acts of violence in Belarus and will release the persons who were arrested groundlessly. “We hope a lot that the international community will not only express concern, but will also take direct actions to penalize the persons who commit abuses,” he stated.

Lilia Carasciuc, executive director of Transparency International Moldova, called on the population of Belarus not to be afraid. “The authoritarian regimes should be opposed. Those who do not sail while on the boat cannot go far. Courage, everyone!”, urged the activist.

Founded in 2010, the National Platform of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Platform currently has a membership of 85 organizations, six of which are umbrella organizations for another 255 organizations.

Following the presidential elections held in Belarus, which were won again by Alexandr Lukashenko, the people took to the streets to express their dissatisfaction. The police used water cannons, rubber bullets and nightsticks to suppress the protesters. The international press reported that over 3,000 people, including journalists, were arrested and ill-treated. Two of the protesters died.