
Socialist MPs submit no-confidence motion against Government


The Socialists proposed a non-confidence motion against the Government led by Pavel Filip. The motion was signed by 34 Socialist, Liberal-Democratic and Communist MPs, IPN reports.

The motion was presented after the legislative body didn’t support the Socialist MPs’ initiative to invite Prime Minister Pavel Filip to Parliament next week to question him about the work done by the Government in the first half of 2016.

“Prime Minister Pavel Filip was sworn into office at night. The people and we, the MPs, were unable to put him questions, to discuss the government program in Parliament. The procedure was performed in secret,” said the leader of the Party of Socialists Igor Dodon.

The Socialist leader admitted that the chances for the Government to be dismissed are slim, but this way they wanted to bring Pavel Filip to Parliament to report. “The goal is to make Filip and other Cabinet members to come and say what they did in the period. The shows and populism during these months won’t do,” stated Igor Dodon.

Earlier, the Socialist MPs submitted simple motions against eight ministers of the current Cabinet. All of these were rejected.