
Social service Mobile Team launched in Bălți


A social service intended for children and grownups with disabilities called Mobile Team was launched in Bălți. With the assistance of a car purchased with the EU’s support, specialists travel to the home of beneficiaries and offer the necessary assistance to them, such as kinetotherapy and logopedic exercises and psychological counseling, in accordance with an individual plan, IPN reports.

The service is designed for children and adults from the municipality of Bălți and the villages Elizaveta and Sadovoe. The parent of one of the children who already receives assistance said that progress was seen after the very first exercises performed by specialists as the child started to take the first steps without being helped.

The service was created by the Bălți-based public association “CREDIS” in partnership with the Bălți Municipal Council and the General Division of Health, Social Assistance and Family Protection in the framework of the project “Civil Society Organizations Acting for Better Social Services” that is financed by the European Union in the Republic of Moldova and is co-financed and implemented by Soros Foundation Moldova in partnership with Keystone Moldova and the public association “Institutum Virtutes Civilis”.