
SLP: „Democracy in Moldova is in danger”


The president of the Social Liberal Party (SLP), Oleg Serebrian called „political collusion” the re-election of Vladimir Voronin as head of state and considers that because of this event „democracy in the Republic of Moldova is in danger”. The leader of PSL declared on Tuesday, 4th of April, at a press-conference that he regrets his party participated at those elections and if he had at that time the experience of the last year, for sure, he wouldn’t have voted for Vladimir Voronin. He said “the political ‘engineering’ from the 4th of April miss leaded political personalities with more experience than those from SLP”. Serebrian declared he is disappointed with the re-election of Vladimir Voronin, saying that the last didn’t honour the engagements made in front of the Parliament at the start of April 2005. According to the opinion of the social liberal leader – the engagements to reform the audio-visual, public administration domain and of the general prosecutor magistracy were forgotten, while many engagements considered accomplished, like those regarding the denationalization of “Moldova Suverana“ and “Nezavisimaia Moldova” newspapers or reorganization of the Information and Security Service were accomplished only formally. “We went for this collusion from the 4th of April with the hope that a totalitarian regime can be changed, but we have to note that totalitarian regimes only suppressed can be changed”, declared Serebrian. He hopes the parliamentary elections in 2009 could change something, but at the same time he notes that the democratic forces already lost the elections both internal and external. In his opinion, The Party of the Communists already informed the public about its achievements in such a way that the European Community has the impression that in Moldova the reforms are perfectly implemented. It is the duty of the opposition to inform the intern and international public opinion about the real state of being, because “in Moldova the democracy is not even in transition, it is real danger.”