
Six girls of Hancesti boarding school to live in community house


Six girls of the Hancesti boarding school for girls with mental disabilities will live in a community house in Mereseni village of Hancesti district. According to the boarding school’s director Elizaveta Iacub, within the Community House service, a support team will look after the girls during a year. In the period, these will have to acquire skills to live independently in the community, to establish communication relations with people and to find a job, IPN reports.

The support team will provide care services and will work together with the girls on the formation of elementary life habits such as eating without assistance, taking care of personal hygiene, dressing themselves, etc.

The support team will also involve the dwellers of the house in household, vocational and recreational activities and in establishing social relations to facilitate their integration into the community. If need be, professionals of other community services will provide assistance.

Deputy Minister of Labor, Social Protection and Family Viorica Dumbraveanu said the social services as an alternative to residential care are an acute necessity for the Republic of Moldova. “The persons with disabilities should be part of society and should learn, communicate and take part in community life,” added Viorica Dumbraveanu.

The social service Community House in Mereseni was opened by the Ministry of Labor, Social Protection and Family in partnership with the local public authorities, with the financial resources of the Hancesti boarding school for girls with mental disabilities that it manages. The institution allocated over €34,000 for implementing the project.

A similar community house for six persons with disabilities of the Badiceni psychoneurological institution was opened in Zgurita village of Drochia district.