
Situation of human rights in Transnistria remains serious, Promo-LEX report


The situation as regards the observance of human rights in the eastern districts of Moldova remains serious. The constitutional law enforcement bodies are unable to arrest and punish persons who violate the human rights in the region. Such conclusions are contained in the report “Human rights in Moldova – retrospective of 2012-2013”, which was produced by Promo-LEX Association, IPN reports.

The report authors said the authorities haven’t identified effective methods for defending the human rights in the region, invoking the lack of effective control over this territory. The most serious violations include the violation of the freedom and safety, of the right to life and of the right not to be subject to inhuman treatment. The activity of the Moldovan-administered Latin-script schools in Transnistria is in danger. The schools risk being closed despite the relevant ECHR decision.

In the period covered by the report, cases of abusive appropriation of businesses from private individuals became frequent in the region. In this respect, the entrepreneurial activity in the region became a very dangerous one. The Transnistrian administration took new measures to limit the people’s access to their farmland located beyond the Rybnitsa-Tiraspol road. The constitutional authorities were unable to negotiate and find a solution.

The freedom of expression and the freedom of assembly in the Transistrian region are restricted, while the freedom of religion does not exist. The victims of domestic violence in the region cannot benefit from protection measures because there is no special ‘law’ in this area there. The persons with disabilities, the Romanies and the members of the LGBT community are discriminated regularly.

As to the rest of Moldova’s territory, positive changes were noticed in the area of human rights. Problems continue to be encountered as regards the impartiality of judges. Also, members of the LGBT community were subject to verbal and physical violence in 2012 and 2013.

When presenting the report, Promo-LEX executive director Ion Manole said that this is the fifth report of the kind and it was compiled with the assistance of experts of different NGOs. The report is not aimed at criticizing the authorities. It is designed to present the real situation to all the players involved and to help identify solutions.