
Sincere prayer is most precious gift on Memorial Easter, priest


On Memorial Easter, also known as Easter of the Dead, all the churches hold requiem masses in the morning. Then the priests and parishioners go to cemeteries where the sleeping ones wait for the second coming of the Savior.

Contacted by IPN for details, priest Vetcislav Cazacu, president of the Metropolitan Studies Sector of the Metropolitan Church of Chisinau and All Moldova, said that initially the term Memorial Easter didn’t have a theological context. It was a name used by the people to inform about the revival “of those who are asleep” as those who piously lived this life are all happy.

The tradition to celebrate Memorial Easter exists in in the post-Soviet states where the cult of the dead is observed. Some go to cemeteries on Sunday, while others on Monday. In Bucovina, there is a nice tradition on Easter. After the priest greets the parishioners with “Jesus is Risen!”, the people go to cemeteries where they light a candle and then continue the same ritual on Memorial Easter, praying for the dead ones.

“Memorial Easter is the continuation of the return to life of God. We, the Christians, believe not in death, but in resurrection as Christ returned to life for one and all. If this holiday hadn’t existed, we wound have probably forgotten about cemeteries with our daily routine. For example, in other countries, like Italy, the locals every Sunday go and spend time in cemeteries, remembering the dear ones. In principle, there is no special day on which we should visit our parents at the cemetery. We are welcome anytime with clear thoughts and deeds,” said the priest.

The spiritual aspect of the holiday is important. What matters is the connection with God and the helping of those in need. There is no particular rule as to the type of presents that should be offered. Sincere prayer is the most precious gift on Memorial Easter. “When Christ is in the soul, the people look at those around with other eyes. Apostle Paul said love does not end with death and we should respect the dead, but should also not forget the dear ones who are near us and we should also not forget what we have and what we lost,” stated Vetcislav Cazacu.

In Moldova, Memorial Easter is celebrated on Sunday and on Monday, in a week after Eater. This is a nonworking day. In some settlements, people also go to cemeteries on Saturday.