
Silviu Bivol: Quality of political class can be improved through concrete steps


The level of political culture can be raised starting from a local community if concrete and continuous measures are taken in this regard. The creation of youth councils under the local public administration, periodical discussions with people from the locality about the duties of the mayor and the local councils in time produce results and help to grow a more conscious, informed generation of voters, the mayor of Țîpala village of Ialoveni district Silviu Bivol stated in a public debate hosted by IPN.

“Under the mayor’s office, we have a Local Youth Council that involves young people aged between 14 and 35. Once in two years, by secret ballot they elect the Council’s chairperson. They know how to campaign, how to persuade the electors to give their vote. We had discussions at the local level with them and informed them about the importance of taking part in elections. We also have projects that are implemented in concert. They gain experience in writing projects. A part of them, who are under 18, are eager to cast their ballot in elections. I consider these discussions, this cooperation help us to increase the level of political culture at the local level,” stated Silviu Bivol.

Referring to the election campaign prior to the November 5 local elections, the mayor of Țipala said that a lot of work is yet to be done to improve aspects related to the electoral competition, with balanced speeches that don’t incite hatred, including when these are transmitted through social media. “During the last campaign week, we identified attacks through social networking sites, from false accounts. They attempted to denigrate me so as to gain benefits, but they ultimately did this do their detriment,” said Silviu Bivol, noting that this lesson should be learned so as to increase the quality of the political class at the local level.

The mayor stated that the voters at the local level make their choice based on personal sympathies, on the results achieved by the candidates before the elections or based on their experiences. Sometimes, they take a decision based on the country’s development course that is supported by the candidate. In discussions with people, they often raised the European course and explained the importance of the European and crossborder projects and why Moldova should form part of the European family. In 2019, things in Țipala changed. The people felt that the changes were to the better as they saw palpable results. They already realized that they need water, sewerage.

The public debate entitled “Quality of political class and portrait of voter at local level” was staged by IPN as part of the project “Stimulation of discussion in the mass media about traditional particularities of local elections and the need for Europeanization” that is supported by Soros Foundation Moldova.