
Shor Party puts forward Ilan Shor for Speaker


The Shor Party, which newly entered the Parliament with seven MPs, put forward its leader Ilan Shor for the Speaker of the Parliament position. “Our proposal stems from the fact that there is no certainty regarding a new parliamentary majority and we want the Parliament to start its work as soon as possible”, deputy party leader and MP Marina Tauber told a press conference before the first meeting of the Parliament, IPN reports.
“We are the only party, and our leader the first person in Moldovan politics to show true care for the people, through deeds, not empty promises. By giving the Speaker seat to a representative of the opposition, our political class can show how open it is for compromises and true democracy”, said Tauber.
The MP says that her party colleagues entered the Parliament to show how “you can solve the people’s biggest problems with your own efforts”. She dismissed the “ungrounded accusations and speculation” surrounding the party and promised it would take a position of “responsible opposition”. “We choose to situate ourselves in a responsible opposition because we cannot negotiate our principles and the prosperous future of our people. We cannot and will not play with our duties and responsibilities towards the people”, stressed Tauber.
She listed some of her party’s initiatives to improve the quality of life in Moldova. One of them concerns the development of collective farms – kolkhozes. The party also wants to give free medicine to pensioners and to raise pensions to about 80% of the average national salary. Another proposal is to cancel the MPs immunity.
The Shor Party refused to answer the journalists’ questions.