
Several thousand companies were struck off list of property that cannot be denationalized in 2007, MP


In 2007, when the PCRM was in power, several thousand state-run companies were removed from the list of property that cannot be privatized, Liberal-Democratic lawmaker Veaceslav Ionita said in the program “Replica” on Prime TV channel. The MP said that this figure is incomparable to the several dozen companies that were struck off the list in the July 5 sitting of Parliament, amid altercations between the Communist MPs and the coalition MP, IPN reports.

According to Veaceslav Ionita, the goal of the passed bill is to ensure efficient administration of the public property, while the opposition was insincere as this bill has been in Parliament for almost two years. In the period, the bill hasn’t been examined in Parliament because they wanted to first hold discussions with representatives of the Ministry of Economy. Dozens of such meetings were held and they weren’t attended by representatives of the opposition.

“This law introduces a cardinal change in the administration of property. We want to be sure that the public property is not brought to bankruptcy intentionally. The Communists distorted the message and didn’t bother to inquire what happens to the state property,” said the lawmakers.

Referring to investments, Veaceslav Ionita said the investors face a number of problems in Moldova, including in such areas as justice, taxes, infrastructure, the roads, energy, and water. He stressed that it is the state that must ensure the relevant conditions.

In the same program, Deputy Minister of Economy Dumitru Godoroja said that some of the companies that were removed from the list of property that cannot be denationalized have large debts, specially the thermoelectric plants CET 1, and CET 2. “These companies need investments. But who caused them to collect debts of millions of lei before 2009? Communists’ accusations are based on emotions, not arguments,” he stated.

Economist Visarion Ceshuev said that this law enables to sell the state-run companies at a low price and thus it should not be yet implemented. An opportune moment will be when the national economy grows.

In its last sitting last week, Parliament adopted in the first reading a bill enabling striking a number of companies off the list of public property that cannot be denationalized.