
Seven myths about Moldova’s EU integration


A new wave of myths about the supposed dangers of Moldova seeking EU membership is being circulated by public figures and media outlets affiliated with the anti-European camp. The think-tank Expert-Group has looked at seven of the most popular such manipulations, dismantled them and explained the reasons behind them.

These myths cover a wide spectrum of matters, from business, to migration, to culture and traditions. To combat these myths, Alexandru Zgardan, associate expert at Expert-Group, published a study in which he dismantles seven of the most common myths regarding Moldova’s integration into the European Union.

Myth 1: Domestic producers will go bankrupt due to European competition

The truth: It is speculated that domestic producers will not be able to compete with European ones, but the reality is that European integration opens up access to funds, grants and new markets. Moldova has already benefited from trade agreements that have increased exports to the EU, especially in agriculture. In addition, EU membership means access to large markets and the ability to negotiate advantageous trade agreements globally.

Myth 2: Loss of traditional markets such as the CIS and Russia

The truth: The CIS markets, especially Russia, have lost their importance for Moldova due to the sanctions and aggressive policy pursued by Russia. The share of Moldovan exports to Russia dropped from 58% of the total in 1997 to only 3.6% in 2023. In contrast, exports to the EU have steadily increased, with Moldova reorienting itself towards European markets, which are much more stable and secure.

Myth 3: Europeans will buy all the land in Moldova

The truth: EU integration does not automatically mean that foreigners will be able to buy agricultural land. EU member states can set their own rules regarding the sale of land to non-residents. Many Eastern European countries have imposed restrictions to protect domestic farmers. In addition, the EU supports farmers through subsidies and agricultural funds.

Myth 4: EU membership implies NATO membership


The truth: The European Union and NATO are separate organizations. Membership in one does not automatically imply membership in the other. Although most EU countries are also part of NATO, joining the European Union does not oblige countries to join the military alliance. The EU has its own defense and security structures that are separate from NATO.

Myth 5: LGBTQ+ rights will be imposed on society

The truth: Each EU state sets its own laws on LGBTQ+ rights. Although the EU promotes equality and non-discrimination, it does not impose regulations in this regard. In some countries, LGBTQ+ rights are recognized, while others, such as Romania and Hungary, maintain a conservative approach. Each state retains its sovereignty over these decisions.

Myth 6: Moldova will depopulate due to migration

The truth: The free movement of people does not automatically lead to depopulation. Most Moldovans who wanted to emigrate to Europe have already done so, and EU integration could even bring many citizens back, due to more economic opportunities opening up. In addition, Moldova will continue to manage migrant flows through its own border controls and policies.

Myth 7: National traditions will be replaced by foreign values

The truth: EU integration does not require changing cultural or religious traditions. The European Union promotes cultural diversity and respects the sovereignty of each member state. National traditions are not affected, and the EU provides support for the promotion and preservation of cultural heritage.

Expert Group says that these myths reflect unfounded fears and that joining the European Union offers more economic and political opportunities, preserving sovereignty and national identity. Those interested in finding out more can find the study here.