
Seven medical schools outfitted with gynecological examination simulators


Seven medical education intuitions of Moldova were equipped with gynecological examination simulators for training specialists in cervical screening. Also, the Cytological Laboratory of the National Center of Medical Diagnostics was outfitted with laboratory microscopes and accessories for examining cytological smear. The equipment was bought by the United Nations Population Fund with the financial contribution  of over US$ 21,000 made by the Agency for International Development Cooperation of Romania (RoAid), IPN reports.

RoAid director general Cătălin Harnagea said the project forms part of the commitment assumed by Romania in the cooperation for development with the Republic of Moldova in different sectors, including in facilitating access to high-quality health services.

UNFPA Representative in the Republic of Moldova Rita Columbia noted the support provided by RoAid supplements the national efforts to prevent cervical cancer that are aimed at improving access and quality of cervical screening cancer and informing the population.

Tatiana Sulima, department head at the Center of Excellence “Raisa Pacalo”, said among the duties of the studies who study at medical colleges is to perform cervical screening, including to take cytological smear, and such last-generation stimulators will essentially improve the training process.

For her part, Tatiana Kuznetsova, coordinating cytologist at the Cytological Laboratory of the National Center of Medical Diagnostics, stated the last-generation microscopes and accessories ensure high-quality examination and the precision of results.

According to national statistics, about 160 cases of deaths from cervical cancer among women are annually recorded in Moldova.