
Sergiu Litvinenco on NAC head appointment: a contest is not desirable at this stage


The National Anticorruption Center (NAC) director will be relieved from his post after the Legal Committee on Appointments and Immunities brings a proposal to the plenary of Parliament in this regard. Justice Minister Sergiu Litvinenco said that the Legal Committee will evaluate the NAC head's activity and will suggest his dismissal on grounds of inefficiency. According to the justice minister, removing the contest for NAC position appointment from the legislation does not contravene to the rule of law and will actually remove a sham contest.

The justice minister said that although the current NAC head Ruslan Flocea was selected by public competition, his candidacy was heavily promoted by PSRM, while the contest was a sham. Sergiu Litvinenco said that the NAC head should resign and that he shouldn't wait for the Parliament to relieve him of his duties.

"If one is appointed based on political criteria, one should leave as soon as the party that promoted one is no longer in power. Don't hold on to office at all costs. The current head got into office because Igor Dodon and PSRM promoted him. I am a proponent of contests; however, at this stage, the contest is not desirable", Sergiu Litvinenco said on TVR Moldova's "Punctul pe azi".

The justice minister said that the NAC head's activity will be evaluated by Parliament and that a draft decision on the removal of Ruslan Flocea will follow.

"His activity will be subjected to an evaluation. It is a simpler evaluation than that of the prosecutor general because of the Parliament's function of exercising parliamentary control over this institution. The Legal Committee will make this assessment and will reach a verdict. I believe that the verdict will involve the dismissal of Ruslan Flocea, given NAC's lack of results", Litvinenco said.

Yesterday, the parliamentary majority approved in second reading the draft amendment to the law on the NAC. The document provides for the exclusion of mandatory public contests for the candidate selection for head of NAC. Thus, the NAC director will be appointed by the Parliament, by a majority vote of elected MPs, following the proposal of at least 20 MPs, for a five-year term, without the possibility of appointment for another term.