
Second censure motion against Leanca Government rejected


The second censure motion against the Cabinet put forward by the Communist MPs didn’t garner the necessary number of votes, as the first. The Leanca Government was supported by the MPs of the government coalition, the Liberal lawmakers and independent MP Mihai Godea. The censure motion was voted only by the Communists and the unaffiliated MPs who are members of the Party of Socialists, IPN reports.

After the censure motion was put to the vote and the results were made public, the communist MPs said they will table more censure motions against the Leanca Government. According to them, there are enough subjects that discredit the Cabinet and they will not stop until it is dismissed.

Prime Minister Iurie Leanca left before the motion was put to the vote as he was to go on an official visit to Strasbourg and Brussels. This fact dissatisfied the Communists. They said the Premier showed disrespect and actually ran away as he is afraid of their voice.

Liberal-Democratic MP Valeriu Strelet considers that the regulations concerning the method of debating censure motions should be amended so that the length of the debates is limited, while those who like political shows should be also restricted somehow.

The motion gained 36 votes of the 51 needed.