
Second call for providing subsidies in advance over


Eighteen female farmers and ten young farmers filed applications to get payments in advance within the second call of the program to offer subsidies in advance for entrepreneurial projects. The examination of applications will start soon. The applicants asked for subsidies to the value of 15.6 million lei of the total 45 million lei allocated from the National Agricultural and Rural Development Fund, IPN reports.

According to the Agency for Intervention and Payments in Agriculture, 13 applicants want to plant walnut, hazelnut and plum trees, six applicants want to purchase bee families and specialized equipment for producing honey, while six applicants intend to equip cattle and goat farms.

Three applicants will invest in the construction of hothouses, while another three in the development of post-harvest and fruit, vegetable and meat processing infrastructure. The investments in these areas are to generate over 70 new jobs.

Earlier this week, seven young farmers and 20 women who run businesses in agriculture received certificates to get subdivides in advance as part of the first call. Acting director of the Agency for Intervention and Payments in Agriculture Vadim Curmei said the 27 entrepreneurs asked for financing totaling 13 million lei. Within 60 days, the beneficiaries are to present evidence of the co-financing of 35% of the investment and to open an account for subsidies.

Over 16 million lei remained unclaimed within the two calls.