
Searches of the CSJ Chair’s house


Law enforcement officers carried out searches at the house of the Chairman of the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ), Ion Druță. The house was searched in the absence of the magistrate, while his family members were served a summons requesting Ion Druță to appear in the Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office.

"Only his family members have returned to the country. Through them, a summons inviting Ion Druță to appear as suspect at the hearings in the Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office (PA) on October 2 was handed over. In the event he does not comply, he will be prosecuted”, declared for IPN Cătălina Bogonos, PA spokeswoman.

On 24 September, the Supreme Council of Magistracy approved the lifting of judge immunity of Ion Druță, Chairman of Supreme Court of Justice, upon the request of the interim prosecutor general. One day before, Dumitru Robu initiated the criminal prosecution on charges of judge’s illicit enrichment.

A press release of Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office has mentioned that as grounds for criminal prosecution served the notification of the Information and Security Service, which analysed the properties acquired by the members of the Druță family between 2016-2019, establishing an essential discrepancy as compared to the declared income.

According to the law, if the court finds him guilty of the offense, the CSJ judge risks a fine of up to 500 thousand lei or imprisonment for up to 15 years.