
SCM allows carrying out searches concerning judge


The Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM) accepted acting Prosecutor General Dumitru Robu’s request to allow carruying out searches relating to a judge. The issue was examined in the November 9 meeting of the Council. The name of the judge and other details weren’t made known, IPN reports.

Contacted by IPN for details, prosecutor Mariana Cherpec, who is in charge of communication at the Prosecutor General’s Office, said that more details cannot be yet provided so as not to hinder the investigation. “The investigation into the case will abide by the principle of confidentiality and will ensure the presumption of innocence of the person,” stated the quoted source.

The press reported that the judge concerned is Tatiana Avasiloaie, of the Râșcani Court of Chisinau, in whose case the National Integrity Authority earlier determined a substantial difference between properties and incomes.