
Schools return to online learning


The National Extraordinary Public Health Commission in the evening of February 26 decided to institute a special activity regime at national level for the period between March 1 and 15. This way, the public and private primary, secondary, lyceum, extra-school, technical vocational and higher education institutions will switch back to online learning. The school Olympiad could not be organized with the physical presence of persons, IPN reports, quoting a press release of the Government.

The physical presence of spectators in theater-concert halls and houses of culture is banned, while the public transport in the municipality of Chisinau will be suspended on Saturday and Sunday. The local extraordinary public health commission of Chisinau municipality will decide a limited running regime for public transport within the municipality.

During March 1-15, the public and private institutions will have to ensure a special working regime by engaging only the strictly necessary personnel. The other employees will work remotely.

The National Extraordinary Public Health Commission warns that the number of new cases of COVID-19 in the European region has decreased by about 50% the past few weeks, but in Moldova the figures go up, with overt 20 deaths being reported daily owing to complications caused by the infection.