
Scenario of situational coalition analyzed by experts


The formation of a situational coalition by the electoral bloc ACUM (NOW) DA PAS and the Party of Socialists (PSRM) in the future Parliament would save Moldovan society. This would mean not a classical coalition, but rather the covering of procedural steps needed for adopting the essence, while the essence is the annulment of the mixed electoral system, consider some of the experts. Other experts believe this scenario would be a suitable option if it could be put into practice. The issue was developed in the talk show “Expertise hour” on Jurnal TV channel, IPN reports.

Public policy expert Ștefan Gligor said the essence of a situational coalition resides in the adoption of a legislative package that could be divided into two parts. This refers to free and fair elections and envisions the annulment of the mixed electoral system and the restoration of the proportional representation system. The prosecution bodies should be freed from political control and this could be done by amending the laws on the Prosecutor’s Office and the National Anticorruption Center. “We speak not about a coalition, but rather about the covering of procedural steps needed to adopt the essence, which is the annulment of the mixed electoral system and restoration of the proportional representation system under which free and fair elections could have taken place. Or we could have a system improved in accordance with the recommendations formulated by the Venice Commission in time,” stated Ștefan Gligor.

“This is the only scenario that could save four-eight years of the life of our society, which would help prevent the emigration of hundreds of thousands of people, would save thousands of children from very unpleasant situations of separation from parents, would save the last remains of the democratic elements in this country. The Socialists are now in front of a choice – they either sell themselves for four years and disappear as a political entity or they can correct their behavior under the pressure of society,” said the expert.

Executive director of the Institute for Strategic Initiatives Vlad Kulminski said the situational alliance between the PSRM and the bloc NOW would be a suitable decision if it could be implemented. “But we saw that the Party of Socialists is actually not an independent player with which talks could be held and which one could trust in the future,” he stated.

According to Vlad Kulminski, a number of actions taken by the Socialists should be analyzed. In 2016, the prosecutor general was named with the support of the PSRM. In 2017, the Socialists, together with the Democrats, replaced the electoral system. Also, President Igor Dodon was temporarily removed from office. “This means the PSRM will act in concert with the PDM,” he noted, adding that if the bloc NOW formed a situational coalition, no one would be sure that the Socialists would go till the end to democratize all the state institutions and such a coalition is very dangerous from political viewpoint as the bloc ACUM would discredit itself a lot.

Four political entities and three independent candidates entered Parliament after the February 24 legislative elections. The PSRM won 35 sears of MP, the Democratic Party – 30 seats, the electoral bloc NOW – 26 seats and the Shor Party – seven seats. A number of scenarios concerning the possible government coalitions are now being debated in the public sphere, with the so-called situational coalition between the PSRM and the bloc NOW being considered temporarily functional for solving a particular situation.