
Russia’s Final Aim in the Wine Crisis is to take Moldova as Hostage


Moldavian wine is produced in accordance with all the necessary standards for having access on the European Union markets. That is why the sanitary concerns are just a pretext for a new attack against the political and economical independence of the Republic of Moldova, declared the President of the European Parliamentary Delegation at the RM – EU Parliamentary Cooperation Committee, Marianne Mikko at a meeting of the delegation that took place on Tuesday, April 25 at Bruxelles. This conclusion is supported by the similar embargo on the Georgian wines. The European official expressed their deep concern about the new proofs of economic pressure used for political reasons. “The Russian prohibition regarding the Moldavian wines is a political move, calculated for depriving Moldova of the so necessary export incomes. The final aim of this pressure is to take Moldova as hostage”, states the quoted source. “I disapprove the use of this type of economical and political pressure instruments. The conflicts between states should be settled diplomatically, at a political level. I hope the Austrian presidency at the European Union will contribute to the settlement of the present conflict and avoiding these kinds of incidents in the future. Mikko encourages Republic of Moldova to work more actively upon developing a larger presence on the world markets, including Russia, Europe and the rest of wine consuming world. At the same conference, the delegation expressed their contentment regarding the activity of the Moldo-Ukrainian border EU assistance mission. “The border territory between Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova represents for a long period of time the object of a deep concern for the Parliament of Europe. The numerous reports regarding the munition issue and trafficking in human beings presented this territory as a passage point for smugglers”. According to Marianne Mikko the consequent implementing of the customs agreement between Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova decreased considerably criminal activities on the Transnistrian border, in this way significantly diminishing the security problems threatening both countries and Europe in general.