
Russia’s appetite goes beyond Ukraine, U.S. representative to OSCE


Even the mere existence of Moldova, as well as Poland, Finland, Belarus and Turkey, is a “permanent reason for military action” for Russia, as all these states contain at least part of the territory that was once controlled by the Russian or Soviet empire. The aggressor state Russia unequivocally states that the presence of an independent country on a territory Moscow considers its “historical” territory can be considered a reason for an invasion by its criminal army. Russia is a threat to many states and we are not talking only about territories neighboring the Russian Federation, writes Obozrevatel in Kiev, quoting the Arms Control Counselor of the U.S. Mission to the OSCE Daniel Wartko.

The American diplomat stressed that there are many examples in history showing that dictators should not be gratified and their aggression should be resisted, IPN reports. Daniel Wartko expressed outrage at the statement made by the deputy chairman of Russia’s Security Council, Dmitry Medvedev, who said that “the presence of an independent state on the historical territories of Russia will already be a permanent reason for the resumption of hostilities.”

Wartko noted that these threats indicate that the presence of an independent state on territory that Russians consider their “historical territory” can be seen by Moscow as a reason to start a war. The Russian aggression could go far beyond Ukraine’s borders. Moscow could target the Baltic states and Central Asian states – Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, as well as Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia.

Furthermore, the diplomat believes that for Moscow even the existence of Poland, Finland, Belarus, Moldova and Turkey is a “permanent reason for military action” as they all contain at least part of the territory that was once controlled by the Russian or Soviet empire. “I don’t invent threats or scare anyone. The Russian war against Ukraine is justified precisely with this reasoning. And Russia has already begun to resort to veiled and overt threats that it could use force against many other neighbors,” he said.

The quoted source reminds that Vlad Gheorghiță, the Chief of the Romanian Defense Staff, believes that if Ukraine loses the war, Russia will not stop and could attack Moldova and NATO states. He noted that all EU countries must take appropriate measures to be prepared for a possible military threat.