
Russia’s aggression against Ukraine will have ecological consequences for whole world, PVE


Russia’s aggression against Ukraine will have economic, psychological and ecological consequences globally. This war must be brought to an end, Anatolie Prohnitski, president of the Ecologist Green Party (PVE) of the Republic of Moldova stated in a news conference at IPN.

Anatolie Prohnitski said that owing to the war, the green parties of Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine could not come together for the meeting scheduled for February 25 and 27 this year. Even if the meeting wasn’t held, the parties issued a joint statement on the military expansion of the Russian Federation.

Andrei Dumbrăveanu, chairman of the PVE National Council, said the eastern districts of the Republic of Moldova experienced the same aggression in 1992, but then the people didn’t know how Russia was really like. “The people believed the Russian propaganda and believed that there were indeed nationalists, fascists in the Republic of Moldova and these went to invade the population in the eastern districts of the same state,” noted Andrei Dumbrăveanu.

Given this war, Moldova has been seriously affected and can be the next target of the Russian Federation. The whole region, and Moldova and Georgia, should be “our special care”, said Olga Afanas, PVE vice president in charge of international relations. She underlined the importance of solidarity shown by the European Parliament and by the governments with ministers representing ecologist parties, or at extraparliamentary level, in society, where the greens are in opposition.

Natalia Yatsko, PVE vice president responsible for relations with the diaspora, said the war in Ukraine is a new crisis that is very close to the Republic of Moldova. “We, the Greens, condemn this aggression. We staged conferences and protests alongside our European mates, starting from the European Parliament up to the resolutions of each European green party. Recently, the Ecologist Green Party of Moldova took part in a conference organized by Green Europe of Italy, where the president of Ukraine’s Greens said the war in his country is not a war of Moscow against Kyiv, but is a conflict between tyranny, autocracy and the free world,” stated Natalia Yatsko.

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