
Russian sociologist Mihail Goboglo presents book about Moldovan people’s origin


Russian sociologist of Gagauz origin Mihail Goboglo launched in Chisinau his book “Moldovans. Peoples and Cultures”, which is a collection or articles about the origin of the Moldovan people, Info-Prim Neo reports. The book was printed at a publishing house in Moscow. According to the author, it represents a thorough investigation into the history of the Moldovan people. Mihail Goboglo asserts that the Russians and the peoples that formed part of the Soviet Union also have such books. Moldova has a lot of traditions and a specific culture and deserved such a book too. “The leitmotif of the work is that society cannot develop stably if the ethnic groups are not united. If the rights of some peoples are protected, the rights of other nationalities may be infringed,” said Mihail Goboglo. The book was launched first at the University of Comrat. Mihail Goboglo said he will soon launch a new book, which is dedicated to the Gagauz people. Mihail Goboglo is a specialist in ethnosocilogy and ethnopolitology and a member of honor of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. He wrote over 200 scientific works. The book “Moldovans. Peoples and Cultures” was presented in a meeting of the Media Format A3 Club.