
Russia backs Chisinau and Tiraspol over resuming political dialogue


The Russian Federation is ready to provide to Chisinau and Tiraspol support in resuming the political dialogue, restoring confidence and constructive cooperation with a view to teaming up in order to frame a pattern for settling the Transnistrian dispute. This statement was made by Grigorii Karasin, vice minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia during a meeting with the so-called foreign minister of Transnistria Valeri Litkai. As the Russian Foreign Minister says, during the meeting it was discussed about the present state in the Transnistrian region of Moldova, political processes etc. There were also examined the results of the recent consultations on the resolution of the dispute that brought together mediators and observers in Madrid, Spain. The 5+2 talks have been disrupted 11 months ago, after the parties involved did not come to an agreement on certain issues, especially regarding the farming of the plots located in Dorotcaia village, which belong to the population living on the right bank of the Nistru River, but are controlled by the unconstitutional regime of Tiraspol.