
Romanian PNL signs collaboration agreements with two social-liberal parties from Moldova


The National Liberal Party (PNL) from Romania will collaborate in different fields with “Moldova Noastra” Alliance and Social Liberal Party. The parties signed on Monday, September 25, political partnership agreements in this respect. Teodor Melescanu, deputy chairman of PNL and the deputy chairman of the Romanian senate, declared at a joint press conference with the leader of AMN, Serafim Urecheanu, that this visit takes places little before the important electoral moment which could provide a serious option for AMN and democratic opposition from Moldova to ensure a change in government. The Romanian liberal said that the aim of the visit is to settle some direct contacts between youth organizations, and collaboration between the elected mayors of AMN and PNL. According to Melescanu, collaboration will be settled on political planning and analysis issues which could offer AMN support in preparing the electoral offer for local elections in 2007 and parliamentary ones in 2009. The second discussion topic between the two leaders was the visa regime and regaining Romanian citizenship for Moldovan citizens. According to Melescanu, Romania will firmly support maintaining of the European option of the Republic of Moldova. Serafim Urecheanu qualified as natural the relations between PNL and AMN, which have similar doctrines. Developing foreign affairs is one of the priorities of AMN, he added. In a press release of PSL is said that at the meeting between the representatives of this party and PNL, joint collaboration projects were discussed, emphasizing the most important 5 issues – parliamentary level collaboration, collaboration between mayors, organization of joint actions of the youth and women organizations of PNL and PSL and collaboration of those two parties within the frameworks of international and European organizations of the liberal parties. The leaders of those two parties signed a collaboration protocol in the end of the discussions.