
Romanian Foreign Minister asks CE to take a stance on the incident at the Moldovan border


Romania’s Foreign Minister Adrian Cioroianu made an appeal to the European Commission and its Portuguese Presidency to convey a firm message to Moldovan authorities that such an attitude towards EU citizens is inadmissible, referring to the incident involving the Romanian delegations that were barred from entering Moldova on their way to Chisinau. According to the Romanian MFA, the incident has been included on the agenda of the eighth Moldova-EU Co-operation Committee, to take place on October 25. MFA also said Cioroianu summoned today the Moldovan ambassador, Lidia Gutu, to talk this issue over. On October 12, three Romanian delegations heading for Chisinau to take part in the celebrations dedicated to the City Day were stopped by the Moldovan border officers and returned home. One of them finally made it to Chisinau after a second attempt. The representatives of the majority coalition in the Chisinau Municipal Council (CMC) have labelled the interdiction as an irresponsible and barbaric act and said they could release a joint statement to deplore the actions by the central authorities. At the same time, the central authorities left the case without any comment.