
Romanian association to work out General Urban Development Plan of Chisinau


A Bucharest-based association called the Research Center for Sustainable Development will think up the General Urban Development Plan of the municipality of Chisinau and will also cover the associated costs. The given sponsorship proposal was included additionally in the agenda of the Chisinau Council’s meeting and was voted as a result of several hours of debates, IPN reports.

Mayor Ion Ceban said the association is ready to offer assistance not only for sketches, but also digital, methodological support and assistance for all the permissive documents. He suggested that the General Urban Development Plan and the strategy for developing the municipality of Chisinau should be worked out during a year and a half, with the involvement of the City Hall, and proposed creating an international surveillance consortium.

A number of councilors inquired about the revenues of the given association. Liberal councilor Ion Cebanu said the sponsorship offer does not provide details about the project implementation costs that will be covered by the municipality. A clause stipulates that the association will have the status of owner of the documents that will be worked out, while the Chisinau City Hall is only the beneficiary. None of the contracting sides answers for overdue implementation and inappropriate implementation of the documents.

The municipal councilors approved the draft decision with a number of amendments. One of the amendments specifies that the documents designed by the association will become property of the Chisinau City Hall.