
Romania wants Moldova to start accession talks with EU, says former Romanian foreign minister


At strategic level, Romania wants the Republic of Moldova to qualify for opening accession talks with the EU, the former Romanian foreign minister Mihai Razvan Ungureanu told the paper “Romania Libera” (“Free Romania”) in an interview. At tactical level, much flexibility is needed in the dialogue with Moldova and the suspicion with which Chisinau answers should not surprise, the diplomat said. During the same interview, Ungureanu said that there should be no technical or juridical problems in amending the law on citizenship as regards the regaining of Romanian nationality by the Moldovan citizens. The law should have been amended in 2005-2006, he said. Speaking about Moldova and Romania, the former foreign minister said that the two states share the same culture, use the same idiom, come from the same historical source, the statehood undoubtedly connects the two countries and we should not avoid saying that they are two Romanian states. Asked about the existence of a project on the unification of the two states, Mihai Razvan Ungureanu said that nothing is impossible in politics.