
Romania is rightful successor of Moldavia, historians


Romania is the rightful successor of Moldavia. Bessarabia and the population there had no element of sovereignty as part of the Russian Empire, historian Ion Negrei was quoted by IPN as saying in the program “Emphasis on today” produced by TVR Moldova channel.

“The sovereignty remained on the part of the Principality of Moldova and the modern Romanian state was formed through the union of two sovereignties in 1859,” stated Ion Cernei.

Historian Vlad Mischevca noted successors are called those who are a component part of a whole legally, ethnically and historically. “Moldavia was once the whole, with capitals over the Prut. The population from the left side of the Prut after 1812 cannot be considered an entity. It can be considered the part of an entity. Our people and the entire classical literature deplore the Prut not as an internal river, but as a river that separated the nation and the people. Things here are very clear for historians,” he said.

206 years ago, the Principality of Moldova was divided by the Russian-Turkish peace treaty signed in Bucharest, the part from the left side of the Prut being incorporated into the Russian Empire.