
Romania is one of the main trade partners of Moldova


Romania is one of the main trade partners of the Republic of Moldova and sums up 11% of its foreign trade. The trade exchange with Romania reached in 2005 the figure of USD 369 mln, of which the exports constituted USD 111.7 mln and imports – 257.4 mln. In January-August 2006, Moldova exported to Romania goods priced at USD 90.8 mln, a 25.2% increase. According to the Ministry of Economy and Commerce, this increase is due to the shifting of alcoholic beverages from the Russian market the Romanian one. The main products exported to Romania are of agricultural origin; textiles and related goods; food products, beverages and alcoholic drinks; tobacco, sugar (Moldova has reached the ceiling of allowed exports of sugar to Romania – 14 thousand tonnes) etc. In the first 8 months of t2006, imports from Romania amounted to USD 200 mln, a 37.8% increase compared with the previous year. The main products imported from Romania are minerals, including petroleum-related goods; plastics and rubber; textiles and related goods; food products. Starting from January 1, 2007 the trade exchange between Moldova and Romania will be based on general principles. For the import to Moldova, custom taxes will be applied and for export trade preferences obtained from the EU will be applied. The competences on offering trade preferences will exclusively belong to the European Commission. The performed analysis show that 52% of the total imports coming from Romania will be taxed. This fact will significantly influence the commercial inflows of goods from Romania and their competitiveness on the Moldovan market. In light of the fact that Moldova will obtain in 2007 the Autonomous Trade Preferences from the EU at some important products for Moldova (450 scheduled positions), the export of goods from Moldova to Romania will benefit from a preferential treatment. As well, Moldova will benefit from the new General System of Preferences (“GSP Plus”) offered by the EU. GSP Plus and the import customs tariff of the EU offers the possibility of preferentially exporting about 9200 scheduled positions out of 10400 possible positions.