
Roman Chirca: Russia’s involvement in internal affairs of Moldova is enormous


The Russian Federation’s involvement in the internal affairs of the Republic of Moldova is enormous, director of the Market Economy Institute Roman Chirca stated in the program “Pahomi” on Realitatea TV channel, IPN reports.

According to him, the Russian Federation is at the most active stage of hybrid war with everything that is related to the West – the United States of America, the European Union and any state that joins this. In the mentality of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Moldova is a natural component part of this.  

“Many things that happen, that have access to our domestic collective brain are manipulated and, regrettably, this thing is in the ascendant and things will probably worsen in the immediate future,” stated the analyst.

Roman Chirca believes that Russia was also involved in the theft of the US$ 1 billion. “The Russian Federation saw the level of arrogance and confidence in the own forces of the corrupt politicians of the Republic of Moldova, entered Banca de Economii as shareholders and withdrew in the period of the parliamentary elections,” said the Institute’s director.