
Roads in 24 villages of Briceni district to be repaired


The local roads in 24 settlements of Briceni district will be repaired this year. A sum of 11 million lei was allocated from the Road Fund for the purpose, IPN reports, quoting a communiqué of the Ministry of Transport and Road Infrastructure. Most of the mayor’s offices started to hold tender contests to select the contractors that will execute the works.

Minster of Transport and Road Infrastructure Vasile Botnari said that it is the duty of the local authorities to repair and maintain the local roads, but they do not have money for these works. For the first time this year, more than 400 million lei is allocated from the Road Fund for repairing local roads. This money will be used to repair the roads in over 700 villages. The volume of allocations will be augmented yearly so that all the local and national roads are rehabilitated in several years.

The Road Fund allocations for Briceni district this year will go to perform works to the value of 21 million lei, specifically 11 million lei for repairing local roads, 9 million lei for maintaining local roads, while 1.3 million lei for carrying out current repair works.