
Richness of Jewish culture presented in painting exhibition at National Museum of History


A selection of works dedicated to artists of Jewish origin from the Republic of Moldova was mounted at the National Museum of History of Moldova. The paintings reflect the rich and complex essence of Jewish culture, seen through the angle of painting. The pesident of the Jewish Community of Moldova Alexander Bilinkis stressed that this exhibition symbolizes not only the richness of the Jewish heritage, but also highlights the wonderful harmony that Jewish and Moldovan culture can create, IPN reports.

The exhibition presents the works of contemporary painters that reflect deep understanding of Jewish culture, render a special personal style, uniting bright colors and graphics. “This event is an example of how art can unite us, reflecting the depth and beauty of our traditions, as well as the desire to understand each other and respect each other. The exhibition highlights how art can be a linkage between cultures, enriching society and preventing conflicts,” said the president of the Jewish Community of Moldova, Alexander Bilinkis.

National Museum of History director Eugen Sava said that Moldovan Jews left extraordinary imprints on everything that is related to Moldovan culture, Jewish culture in Moldova, on science, literature, art of Moldova. The Jews in the country are very active and cooperate closely with all the cultural and scientific structures existing in the Republic of Moldova.

Marina Anukov, head of the Representative Office of the Jewish Cultural Center “Nativ” in Moldova, pointed out that this exhibition familiarizes us with the works of painters Mihail Brunea, Iacob Tihman and Eduard Maidenberg, which depict a tradition and a rich history of Jewish culture. The paintings presented at the exhibition plays the role of a bridge between cultures, promoting a universal language, understandable to all. The Jewish painters working in Moldova are a perfect example of professionalism, and for the state of Israel they are a source of pride. The works of these painters tell the story of Jewish life in the diaspora, preserving a rich legacy of the Jewish community.

“Even if the focus in the European Union is constantly on the losses of Jewish heritage and human lives during the Holocaust, we do the same and every time together with the Jewish community in the Republic of Moldova we commemorate these losses on every occasion. This time we have decided to emphasize the fact that life goes on and that we have great achievements of the Jewish community in the Republic of Moldova, which has had over the years a contribution that is difficult to overestimate to the entire culture in the Republic of Moldova, for Moldovan painting, music, cinema,” said Minister of Culture Sergiu Prodan.

The exhibition was staged within the national festival “European Days of Jewish Culture” and can be visited at the National Museum of History of Moldova until September 14.