
Revision of authorizing documents for running businesses will continue this year


About 100 certificates, permits and authorizations will be excluded from the Nomenclature of Authorizing Documents that includes over 400 names of documents. A relevant provision is contained in the bill to amend and supplement the law on the regulation of entrepreneurial activities by authorization. The Ministry of Economy announces that the exclusion of the 100 authorizing documents from the Nomenclature is not the final objective and the revision and optimization process will be continued this year, IPN reports.

Under the bill, the one-stop shop mechanism will be implemented at national level, this being a precondition for including the licenses and authorizing documents in the platform of the electronic one-stop shop. On the other hand, though many of the public authorities started to implement this mechanism, the one-stop shops are nonfunctional.

According to the Ministry of Economy, the law on the regulation of entrepreneurial activities by authorization contains a series of shortcomings that need to be removed. In this regard, a study of the system of licenses and authorizing documents was carried out in the second half of 2015 with the support of the World Bank. Based on this study, a set of conclusions and recommendations were formulated as regards the method of regulating entrepreneurial activities by authorization.

It was established that about 95% of the existing authorizing documents contain shortcomings that are not envisioned in laws. Some of these documents are not published in the Official Gazette. When the requirements and procedures for obtaining authorizing documents are contained in the legislation, these are not described in detail and clearly. As a result, an exaggerated number of documents are requested from ministries and other issuing bodies for obtaining certificates and authorizations.

Also, in the prices paid by entrepreneurs for authorizing documents, it is indicated only the official tax for issuing the documents, not yet the real costs incurred by entrepreneurs, which is the price paid for certificates needed for obtaining an authorizing document.

After the revision, one comprehensive law will be worked out to include three separate nomenclatures – of licenses, of authorizations and of certificates. The three large chapters on these categories of documents will define the principles, mechanisms and regulation and procedural requirements.